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Narnia Literacy Circle - SOLO Questions & Answers (Week 8)

Narnia Literacy Circle - SOLO Questions & Answers (Week 8)
Learning Intention:
Demonstrate our deeper understanding of the text.
Success Criteria:
  • Questions begin with the higher order SOLO verbs.
  • Answers are detailed and include personal voice and evidence from the text.

  1. Predict what would happen if Raphael didn’t find the wallet in the first place?
  2. Compare/Contrast Raphael and Gardo
  3. Create a word search about the book
  4. Analyse the beginning of the story

  1. I predict that if Raphael didn’t find the wallet in the first place things would be much different. Raphael and friends would continue to live in poverty and they would just all just continue to be dumpsite boys. He and his friends also wouldn’t be on an adventure trying to solve a mystery about the man’s wallet. Since Raphael did find the wallet they are having an adventure and solving a mystery instead of doing their jobs as dumpsite boys.

  1. The similarities between Raphael and Gardo are that they are both dumpsite boys and they are proud of it, especially Raphael. They are also both important parts of their community and family as they care for them. The differences between Raphael and Gardo are mainly their characteristics. Raphael is a trash boy with style which means he is proud of it. He is a small boy with a lot of strength and he wants to get somewhere in life. Gardo is like a big brother to Raphael, he is strong and protective and always is on Raphael’s side. Gardo continues to care for Raphael throughout the book.



 4. Raphael is a fourteen-year-old dumpsite boy who lives with his aunt. They live in poverty with barely any shelter and food. He and his friend Gardo spend most of their days picking through huge piles of trash trying to find everyday items and food. One day he finds a bag which has a wallet inside with some money and he learns about a person named Jose Angelico who died in a police investigation. The police have made a reward for finding the bag. The mysterious journey then begins with a message which was in the bag. As they get closer to the solution of the mystery they hope to find some money for their families and themselves.


"what if they have the whole place surrounded what if they're all in plainclothes waiting for me and I don't see until it's too late"

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