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Director - week 7

Learning Intention:
Create questions, and give feedback against success criteria.
Success Criteria:
  • Thought provoking questions are created.
  • Feedback is given against the success criteria for the group.       
1. If you were in Rat's position would you steal the money from the mission school and why?

2. Why do you think Rat, Raphael, and Gardo are staying in a seperate room away from home?

3. Why do you think Marco made Gardo meet him in a small tea house?

4. Who do you think will be strongly involved in the rest of the story and why?
( Not including Rat, Raphael, and Gardo).

5. What do you think the coded message in the letter will talk about when they figure it out?

By Zoe


"what if they have the whole place surrounded what if they're all in plainclothes waiting for me and I don't see until it's too late"