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Vocab Enricher- Week 9

Vocab Enricher

Definition- When something is completed or a goal has been achieved.
Why I chose this word- This word has significance in the story because the message from Jose said “it is accomplished”.

Definition- Permanently store something in your brain/memory
Why I chose this word- This word is important because when Gabriel Olondriz asked Gardo what he did with the letter Gardi said he memorized it.

Definition- A boy who assists with small jobs in the house
Why I chose this word- This word is important because that was the job that Jose had when he stole the money from senator zapanta

Vice President
Definition- A person elected to be second in charge after the president
Why I chose this word- I chose this word because that is the job that Senator Zapanta had which gave him the power to steal the 6 million dollars.

Definition- A storm similar to a tornado
Why I chose this word- This word has significance in the story because when they were really close to uncovering the money then a typhoon came close to them and they had to work faster.


"what if they have the whole place surrounded what if they're all in plainclothes waiting for me and I don't see until it's too late"

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