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Words and Definitions

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WONDERED-To speculate curiously or be curious about; be curious to know. Rat was thinking his own thoughts. ‘Rat wondered and wondered’ His plan was to pay the senator a visit. Chapter 8 Paragraph 5.
BOX-A container or case mostly used for storing things, in the first chapter Raphael said “Most of those people live in boxes that are stacked up tall and high” To build their houses they use all the available materials they have old tin and metal and boxes. Chapter 1 Paragraph 1.
SORTING-The process by which sedimentary particles become separated according to some particular characteristic, as size or shape. In the first chapter Raphael says “I was a trash boy since I was old enough to move without help and pick things up. That was what?-three years old, and I was sorting. Chapter 1 Paragraph 6.
SHRIVEL-Wrinkle and contract or cause to wrinkle and contract, especially due to loss of moisture. Raphael is saying money is so important “Without money you shrivel and die” It means every day they have to sift through rubbish to get food and water and the basic things in life. Chapter 10 Paragraph 24.
POLICE-Also called police force. An organized civil force for maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing the laws. Chapter 3 Paragraph 2


  1. Emily
    You chose words relevant to the story, found a quote of it in the story, and explained what the definition was. You chose clever words that related to each chapters throughout the book, and described it very clearly.


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"what if they have the whole place surrounded what if they're all in plainclothes waiting for me and I don't see until it's too late"