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Narnia literacy circles - vocab enricher (week 7)


Learning Intention:
Define complex and unfamiliar words, identify synonyms and use the words in a context.
Success Criteria:
  • Write a definition of each word.
  • Include synonyms for each word.
  • Write sentences that include each word.

Slunk - move smoothly and quietly with gliding steps, in a stealthy or sensuous manner.
Synonyms: creep, sneak, steal, slip, slide, sidle, edge

Garbage barge - a long flat-bottomed boat for carrying freight on canals and rivers, either under its own power or towed by another.
Synonyms: lighter, canal boat, flatboat

Crucifix - a representation of a cross with a figure of Christ on it.
Synonyms: cross

Monuments - a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a notable person or event.
Synonyms: statue, building, structure

Mischief - playful misbehaviour, especially on the part of children.
Synonyms: : naughtiness, badness, bad behaviour, misbehaviour, mischievousness, misconduct



  1. The words you have chosen fit this part of the story well. Next time include sentences with each word to help people understand the purpose of the word.


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"what if they have the whole place surrounded what if they're all in plainclothes waiting for me and I don't see until it's too late"